Oh god what is this I am not good with computer
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
Any containment area holding SCP-XXXX instances is to be completely separated from any and all electrical grid or systems. No electronics of any kind are allowed within the containment area, or within thirty meters of the containment area itself. Any personnel entering the containment area are required to wear full A309-MKII armored haz-mat handling and interaction suits. All personnel working in or around the containment area are to observe strict anti-static protocols as detailed in handling manual X022-E. Any conductive materials are to be monitored for charge or alteration, in addition to anti-conductive and anti-static coatings whenever possible.
SCP-XXXX containment area is to be supplied with no less than two(2) wooden poles per SCP-XXXX instance, ideally sourced from decommissioned but still viable commercial electrical cable poles. SCP-XXXX instances seem to show preference for weathered poles as opposed to freshly constructed. SCP-XXXX instances will periodically move between provided poles. Instances will gather in groups of no more than four (4) at times, but show preference for isolation when viable. Poles are to maintained at a height of no less than fifteen (15) feet. SCP-XXXX instances exhibit marked increases of aggression when less than ten (10) feet from the ground, with overall aggression escalating with reduction in elevation.
Injuries or damage resulting from SCP-XXXX are to be investigated for foreign metal particles in the injury/damage site. Particles are to be collected and secured outside the primary containment site. Any personnel or equipment suffering electrical shock, surge, or damage are to be investigated and quarantined for a period of no less than one (1) week for observation.
Any recording or broadcasting equipment that experience interruption or disruption within sixty (60) meters of SCP-XXXX instances or recovered materials are to be secured and checked for surges or damage. Any recordings are to be secured, sealed , and transported to central records at the earliest possibility. No on-site review of said materials is to be allowed.
Description: SCP-XXXX outwardly appears to be a standard electrical transformer, common to most modern civic power grids. Closer observation will reveal that, while superficially similar, SCP-XXXX lacks many markings and dimensions of actual electrical transformers. It has been observed that this disparity decreases the longer SCP-XXXX stays in one place, with most taking at minimum four (4) months to achieve near-perfect camouflage. SCP-XXXX is only capable of mimicking other nearby transformers, and will often appear in time as an identical copy of another nearby, down to scratches and other markings.
SCP-XXXX is in reality a electrical feeding, and possibly based, life form. When mobile, SCP-XXXX breaks the outer camouflage shell, revealing a metallic body similar to the common sea louse in general outline, weighing between twenty-two (22) to sixty-eight (68) kilograms. SCP-XXXX lacks any internal organs or structures common to organic life, appearing to be an amalgamation of various conductive metals and alloys. It is unclear how this structure carries out motive action. SCP-XXXX also carries a massive electrical charge, several times higher than they physical dimensions would be capable of supporting, and this is assumed to be related. It is also theorized that SCP-XXXX may actually be the electrical change, with the metallic form simply and anchor or tool for it to utilize.
SCP-XXXX will typically attempt to disguise itself as a normal electrical transformer. SCP-XXXX will climb to a suitable position, then attempt to extend portions of itself into nearby electrical cables and systems, resembling wires or antenna. SCP-XXXX appears to then feed on electricity, however the exact details of this process are still poorly understood. SCP-XXXX, if undisturbed, can remain in this state for years and a time, totally immobile, which can make detection difficult. SCP-XXXX will typically only move when physically contacted, if its previous perch has been damaged or altered, or when it enters the secondary feeding/reproductive cycle.
SCP-XXXX is capable of defending itself with both physical attacks, typically slashing or stabbing with its metallic limbs, or releasing powerful, focused electric shocks. SCP-XXXX will typically attempt to electrocute a subject from a distance, then rapidly stab and slash the subject until dead. SCP-XXXX will show special attention to the head and back, and it is theorized it may feed off nerve impulses as well. SCP-XXXX seems to exclusively exhibit this behavior with vertebrates.
SCP-XXXX, while a very good climber, is either poor at or unwilling to tunnel unless absolutely necessary, preferring to enter internal areas through existing openings, such as doors, windows, or roof access points. SCP-XXXX is much more aggressive when on the ground,and has been observed exhibiting disproportionate strength, capable of tearing a deadbolt door open, and speed, the fastest observed keeping a pace of approximately seventy-two (72) kilomiters per hour for brief sprints. SCP-XXXX will typically exhibit these properties for a period of less than twenty (20) minutes before attempting to return to a hiding location and growing lethargic.
SCP-XXXX, when out of its camouflage state, shows a marked aversion to water, and appears to “die” when immersed for more than five (5) minutes. Recovery/suppression teams are advised to secure water sources before action.
SCP-XXXX appears to be territorial, but will at times cluster for unknown reasons. These clusters tend to be limited to a period between two (2) weeks up to six (6) months. The behavior does not seem to change any other noted behavior. Aggressive SCP-XXXX do not appear to work together, but will mutually attack targets if the opportunity arises.
SCP-XXXX will kill small animals from time to time, seemingly at random. These are almost always birds or rodents making physical contact with SCP-XXXX while it is in its camouflage state. SCP-XXXX will typically electrocute these animals, but sometimes will open and crush them. They do not appear to feed on the tissues of these animals, and will often release the crushed bodies within twenty-four (24) hours. Beyond possible feeding on electrical impulses, there is no observed reason for this behavior beyond presumed territoriality.
SCP-XXXX appears to prefer outdoor environments, but shows no aversion to internal environments. High moisture content seems to be a deterrent when not in camouflage, but only large areas of open water seem to be an issue for SCP-XXXX.
SCP-XXXX will trigger a local blackout by overloading nearby electrical systems. This behavior is most common after nightfall, but not exclusively. SCP-XXXX will then break camouflage and will attempt to enter nearby structures, typically residences. SCP-XXXX instances will then attempt to attack any vertebrate organisms inside, showing preference for targets larger than their current weight and dimensions, as well as those isolated in rooms, with isolation seeming to be the more desirable preference SCP-XXXX will then shock and lacerate their targets to death, showing preference for exposure of and damage to the nervous system. After a period of typically no more than one (1) hour, SCP-XXXX will attempt to exit the residences and return to their previous camouflaged positions. SCP-XXXX will typically wait for a period of no less than nine (9) months after this behavior to do so again.
It is unclear as to why SCP-XXXX does this. Two possibilities are currently undergoing research. The first is that this is some sort of secondary feeding cycle, gaining something from the nervous system that it does not from regular electricity. The second is that this may be a reproductive cycle, as many of the small metallic grains found in targets of SCP-XXXX exhibit identical properties to SCP-XXXX. While “juvenile” SCP-XXXX have been found, resembling much smaller SCP-XXXX incapable of camouflage, none have been observed to manifest in containment or under observation. Research is ongoing.
Operating under the assumption that the body is just a glove for the electricity, we can begin to process the behaviors thus noted. This sort of action is not uncommon in even mundane species, with several breeds of wasp, spiders, and beetles securing both nest and food for their young before spawning.
The so called “Broadcasts” lend credence to the intelligent, if alien, life theory. Simply looking at hunting patterns, and the ability of SCP-XXXX to plan, isolate, and even attempt to disguise its activities would be sufficient to come to this conclusion. However, on multiple occasions, SCP-XXXX has shown what appear to be intelligent responses via broadcast, even attempting to frighten and distract targets via electrical devices. In multiple [DATA EXPUNGED]
While alarming, it is likely there are hundreds, if not thousands of SCP-XXXX instances at large. If a means of negotiation could be reached, the likely cost would be significantly less than their ongoing actions. Further research is pending, while current broadcast incidents are under review.