When Fantasies Become Legacies

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All manifestations of SCP-XXXX are to be moved to Site-29. No individuals with former familial relations to SCP-XXXX-1 or Zachary Hendricks are to be exposed to SCP-XXXX. In the event of digital manifestations of SCP-XXXX, Foundation webcrawlers are to remove the manifestation as soon as possible. In the case of a SUMMER DEATHBED event, SCP-XXXX-1 is to be found and contained as soon as possible.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a recurring event centered around Zachary Hendricks, a high school senior at Rabbit Fields High School, Nashville, Tennessee. SCP-XXXX manifestations entail the appearance of various pieces of media, either physical or digital, featuring Zachary Hendricks and SCP-XXXX-1, a humanoid figure consistently appearing blurred out regardless of medium. In manifestations including some form of text, the name of SCP-XXXX is scribbled or distorted to the point of illegibility.

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