Foundation Departments |
Byγ € Lt Flops |
Published on 18 Mar 2019 07:41 |
A Semi-Comprehensive List of Foundation Departments
departments » A Semi-Comprehensive List of Foundation Departments
The Foundation's mission is to Secure, Contain, and Protect the anomalous. However, this is a pretty vast goal, ranging from containing small, harmless cowbells to universal concepts endangering the very core of humanity. The entire Foundation cannot tackle all these anomalies at once. As such, it becomes necessary to divide and conquer, in the form of Departments.
Departments are entities within the Foundation that specialize in one specific task or discipline. They put their expertise to use in areas where others could not, ensuring that each respective field is given the care and attention it deserves.
This is an open, collaborative project. If you discover a Department which is absent or has been improperly catalogued, feel free to add it.
So, you wanna add to this page?
Good! There's no automatic way of updating this page, so the more people who add to it the better. That way, we have a better chance of covering everything and leaving no stone unturned! But, how does a Department qualify for addition to this page? Well,
- The Department has appeared in at least one successful article.
And that's it! Basically, if it exists on one or more articles with a rating above 0, you can add it here. Now that we know which Departments can and can't be added here, how do we actually add them in?
Adding New Departments
First, find the category it falls under. Currently, some Departments have been haphazardly placed in one of the four categories. If we get enough Departments that don't necessarily fit into one of the categories below, an "Other" category will be opened for these oddballs.
Next, find where it would fit alphabetically.
Then inject this code:
If the Department has a hub of its own, like the Antimemetics Division or Department of Miscommunications, embed that link in the first column. For the Subdivision column, if this Department is a part of a larger Department, put it as so. If it has subdivisions within itself, list them.
For appearances, there is no limit to how many you may add. However, I ask that you try to prioritize a department's more major appearances. The only exception to this is Departments with their own tag. If they have a tag, just link the tag for Appearances.
If you make any changes to this page, make sure to leave a summary of them in the "Short description of changes" category in the edit screen!
Special Cases
So, you got a Department that you think should be on this list, but it's not necessarily part of the Foundation. That's alright! As long as the organization it's a part of is roughly analogous to the Foundation, it can be added to this page.
For example, SCP-4317 showcases the Department of Marketing, which is a part of the "SCP Corporation." While it's not part of our Foundation, it is still part of a Foundation. You could consider the Corporation to fill a similar role as the Foundation while not being a 1:1 copy. As such, the Department of Marketing is eligible for inclusion.
A Department cannot be added if its organization is a Foundation precursor or successor. For example, HMFSCP's Operations Council would not be considered for this list, as in most canons HMFSCP becomes part of the Foundation. This also applies to SCP-4163's Federation Records Department, as the SCP Federation is a direct result of the SCP Foundation.
Finally, before anyone asks, Groups of Interests considered to be alternative Foundations are not allowed. That means no Selachian Pugilist Centre. Sorry, CICAPOCO, not today. Likewise, this also applies to the Chaos Insurgency and their Delta Command.
However, feel free to add these alternative, precursor or successor organisations to the Semi-Comprehensive List of Groups of Interest instead.
Related Pages
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Department Name | Appearances | Description | Subdivisions (If Applicable) |
The Office of the Administrator | ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal | An administrative department made up of The Administrator and their closest staff. | N/A |
O5 Council ββ Overseer Council |
O5 Command Dossier | A group of 13 high-ranking officials with ultimate control over the Foundation. | N/A |
Overwatch Command ββ O5 Command |
O5 Command Dossier | The Foundation's central administration, lead by the O5 Council and composed of their closest, most high-ranking staff. Headquartered in Site-01. | The personal assistants of the Overseers are also known as the "Factotum." |
Oversight Committees ββ Office of O5-# |
SCP-4421, SCP-4476, Secure Facility Dossier: Site-56 | Each O5 runs an Oversight Committee/Office that manages anomalies, facilities and departments that fall under their individual purview. | N/A |
O6 Council | SCP-4023 | A now defunct group of high-ranking personnel that did the day-to-day work that the O5 Council couldn't. | N/A |
O4 Command | Lockdown Procedures | The first response to containment breaches and attacks by Groups of Interest on Foundation facilities. | N/A |
O4 Council | From 120's Archive Hub | A collective of every Site Director, Deparment Head and other significant personnel; voting on administrative proposals en masse..Not to be confused with the Germaphone's Foundation O4 Council (see International Section) | N/A |
O3 Court | SCP-5338, SCP-5761 | Primarily (but not exclusively) operates as a high court of appeals for matters of Foundation policy. May overturn decisions of lower authorities. | N/A |
O2 Congress | SCP-8400, SCP-8986 | Elected body of Foundation personnel that passes judgement on non-critical issues related to research and containment. | N/A |
Site Directors' Executive Committee of the Whole (SDECotW) | Kate McTiriss's Proposal, Pickman-Blank Proposal | A collective of every Site Director, voting on administrative proposals en masse. | N/A |
Foundation Academic Service ββ Foundation Academic Consortium |
SCP-6747, SCP-7243, SCP-7666, ROUNDERHOUSE's Jade Proposal | The Foundation's official higher education institution for anomalous studies. | See Obeserver: An SCP Foundation Journal. |
Accounting Department | Secure Facility Dossier: Area-314, The Foundation is Broke | Takes stock of the Foundation's assets, employees, and finances. Headquartered in Area-314 | See Subdepartment of Statistics and Amnestics Production Committee |
Amnestics Production Committee | The Foundation is Broke | Oversees the production of amnestics within the Foundation. | Subdivision of the Accounting Department |
Classification Committee | SCP-3812 | Proposes modifications to object classification. | N/A |
Containment Committee | SCP-049 | Proposes modifications to containment procedures. | Part of the larger Department of Containment |
Eduskip Division | A New Chance to Explore Life, The Revert, First Lesson | Recruits talented students from schools and universities, and holds joint educational programs with them. Exclusive for broken-masquerade canon. | N/A |
Ethics Committee | Pages tagged Ethics Committee | An independent board responsible for weighing the moral costs of the Foundation's containment. | See Ethics Subcommittee for Humanoid Anomalies. |
Ethics Subcommittee for Humanoid Anomalies | SCP-4175, SCP-6113 | Determines ethical containment and containment procedures relating to humanoid anomalies. | Subdivision of Ethics Committee |
Foundation Experimentation Committee | SCP-5034 | Approves of testing and experimentation. | N/A |
Department of Health and Security | SCP-5590 | Ensures the health of security of Foundation personnel. | N/A |
Human/Animal Resources Management Administration —— Humanoid and Animal Resources Management Authority |
SCP-5974, Secure Facility Dossier: Site-106. | Manages the transfer and utilization of D-Class and animal subjects for experiments. | N/A |
Department of Human Resources | The Transfer, SCP-5874, SCP-6645, A HRD Days Work | Oversees the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring of new staff, and ensuring that staff are treated well by administration. Headquartered in Site-37. | See Recruitment Division |
Internal Arbitration Bureau | SCP-8350 | An independent authority that resolves security liabilities that may arise as a result of conflicts and contention between personnel and departments. | N/A |
Legal Department | SCP-738, SCP-2553, SCP-4703 | The Foundation's in-house legal department. | N/A |
Location Selection Committee | SCP-5780 | Chooses the locations for testing and other Foundation procedures which cannot be conducted in-site. | N/A |
Department of Mandatory Suggestion | SCP-8808 | Provides various quality-of-life services for personnel and anomaly alike through strategic use of thought manipulation. | N/A |
Department of Morality | djkaktus's Proposal III | Precursor to the Ethics Committee, headed by O5-2. | N/A |
Recruitment Division | The Recruitment Orientation Letter That You Will Discard Immediately | Pursues, investigates and interviews desirable civilians for potential Foundation employment. | Subdivision of Human Resources |
Reintegration Committee | SCP-4395, SCP-6113, Welcome to the Last Frontier | Oversees the reintegration of anomalous humans into society per the Pseudohuman Rights Act of 2013. | Works with the Anomalous Individuals Monitoring Bureau (FR). |
Subdepartment of Statistics | The Foundation is Broke | Provides statistical information based on the records kept by the Accounting Department. | Subdivision of Accounting Department |
Department of Surplus | The Foundation is Broke | Supervises the selling or lending of Foundation surplus supplies. | N/A |
Department Name | Appearances | Description | Subdivisions (If Applicable) |
Archival Department | You Can Say Hi | Catalogues, preserves, maintains, and otherwise manages all documents and records, both physical and on the SCiPNET database. | N/A |
Department of Crisis Assessment | SCP-6249 | Predicts, investigates and assesses possible tragedies or disasters that could come as a result of an anomaly. | N/A |
Decommissioning Department | Pages tagged Decommissioning Department | Reviews petitions to intentionally terminate (decommission) an SCP when containment is deemed unsustainable. | N/A |
The Department Department | SCP-8592 | Not an actual Department. Headed by D. Partment. | N/A |
Department of Design | Regular documents from the Iconography Division | Handles all aspects of creative architectural and visual decorations. | See Iconography Division. |
Department of Notional Divisions | SCP-8190 | Discovers and eliminates anomalous and parasitic Foundation departments. | N/A |
Digitization Department | RAISA-6147 (PENDING ASSIGNMENT) | Digitizes physical records held by the Foundation. | Subdivision of RAISA. |
Disinformation Bureau | Disinformation Bureau Orientation | Disseminates false and contradictory information within the public to ensure a veil of secrecy. | N/A |
Document Recovery Division | SCP-4298 | Recovers deleted or lost documents for archiving and posterity. | Subdivision of RAISA. |
Explanation and Research Department | SCP-5187, SCP-5226, SCP-2023-EX | Responsible for reclassifying various outdated or misclassified anomalies as Explained. | N/A |
Iconography Division | Regular documents from the Iconography Division | Produces icons for Foundation use. | Subdivision of Department of Design |
Information Detraction, Censorship, and Rescission Division (IDCaRD) | The Fellowship, SCP-2901 | Monitors and obstructs groups which seek to disseminate information about the anomalous. | N/A |
Department of Inter-Anomaly Experimentation | SCP-5549 | A now-defunct department that oversaw cross-testing between anomalies. | N/A |
Department of Logistics ββ Logistics and Transportation Department |
list-of-foundation-s-internal-departments, SCP-6122, Eight Hundred and Thirteen Mile Car Trip | The department that manages the transportation of personnel and anomalies. | N/A |
Observer: An SCP Foundation Journal | SCP-2108, SCP-2336, SCP-2472, An Overview of Foundation Journals Published in May 2017, SCP-588-JP | Scientific journal published by the Foundation for internal circulation. | N/A |
Department of Paranormal Organization Review | djkaktus's Proposal III | Maintains records on "Groups of Interest", headed by O5-5. | N/A |
Department of Public Disinformation ββ Department of Information Control |
SCP-5004, SCP-6488 | Disseminates misinformation into the public to cover up anomalous activity. | N/A |
Department of Public Affairs | SCP-8350 | Controls and manipulates news coverage, subliminal messaging in media, outreach by world leaders, and content on social media platforms in the interests of the Foundation. | N/A |
Department of Public Outreach | SCP-5723 | Oversees communications with GoIs, organizations, and figures with a public presence, and produces Foundation media to be disseminated into the public. | Subdivision of External Affairs. |
Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration (RAISA) | SCP-4450, RAISA-6147 | Maintains the security and safety of all internal Foundation data. Headquartered in Site-7. | See Digitization, Document Recovery, and Special Technology Applications Group (STAG). |
Department Name | Appearances | Description | Subdivisions (If Applicable) |
Department of Abnormalities | List of Abnormalities | [DATA LOST] | N/A |
Abrahamic Division | SCP-5709 | A division of Tactical Theology focused on Abrahamic Religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). | Subdivision of Tactical Theology. |
Department of Acroamatic Abatement ββ Acroamatic Abatement Group |
Everything You Need to Know About Acroamatic Abatement But Were Too Confused by the Name to Ask, SCP-5243, SCP-5520 | A department that processes anomalous waste material for disposal. | N/A |
Department of Actuality | SCP-7881 | A department tasked with anomalies of or relating to hypothetical space, and with preventing space from falling into hypotheticality. | N/A |
Alchemy Department | Pages tagged Alchemy Department | Tasked with containing threats beyond rational science, involving the manipulation of the Aetheric forces which generate reality. | N/A |
Department of Amnestics | Captain Kirby's Proposal | Manages amnestic administration. | N/A |
Department of Analytics | SCP-2897, SCP-5999, Deus Vulture, SCP-6225 | Data analysis and statistical forecasting using both mundane and anomalous methods. Manages the WATCHDOG monitoring network. | Organized into Divisions of Data Processing, Statistical Prediction, and Informational Security. Also responsible for the ad hoc Eigenweaponry Division. |
Department of Anomalous Broadcasting | And Now, Our Feature Presentation... | Monitors television & radio broadcasts and the World Wide Web for anomalies. | N/A |
Department of Anomalous Chronology ββ Parachronology Division |
SCP-4456-D, SCP-7243 | Studies the timeline and anomalous alterations to it. | Subdivision of History |
Department of Anomalous Crimes | SCP-8876 | Investigates paracriminal activity. | N/A |
Anomalous Entity Engagement Division | AEED Orientation, SCP-2689, SCP-6925, SCP-6245, | A department dedicated to the social interaction with sentient and non-hostile anomalies, which may include counseling and conducting various recreational activities. Headquartered in Site-169. | N/A |
Department of Anomalous Humanoid Psychology | SCP-6879, SCP-4818 | Studies the psychology of anomalous humanoid and oversees their mental wellbeing in containment | Subdivision of Department of Humanoid Risk Assessment |
Department of Anomalous Locations | SCP-5317 | Oversees, classifies, and studies anomalous locations | N/A |
Division of Anomalous Programming | SCP-5452 | Studies programming languages which use anomalous components. | Subdivision of Department of Informational Technology |
Department of Antiquity | SCP-1445 | Studies anomalies related to ancient civilizations. | N/A |
Antimemetics Division | SCP-3125 | Researches and contains antimemetic anomalies. Seemingly unaware of the Counterconceptual Division. | Subdivision of Department of Cognitohazards |
Apiary Department | SCP-5280 | Studies anomalous apians | Subdivision of Parazoology |
Department of Atypical Persuasion | SCP-6970, DAP Orientation | Handles interrogations using tactics outside of what is normal. | N/A |
Department of Applied Horology | SCP-8069 | Studies anomalous time-measurement instruments. | N/A |
Division of Applied Patapsychology | SCP-5036 | Researches and develops anomalous mind-control methodologies. | NΞΌ Project is one of its initiatives. |
Department of Astronomy ββ Department of Paraastronomy ββ Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs |
SCP-3931, SCP-5471, SCP-5649, SCP-6568 | A department overseeing any and all extraterrestrial projects, as well as forwarding them to other divisions. Led by Dr L. Woomywood, with mission control in Site-64. | See Astrophysics, Extrasolar Activities, Exo-Linguistics and Xenohistory. |
Department of Archaeology | SCP-4002, SCP-4400, SCP-6003 | A department which undergoes archaeological studies in regards to anomalous locations or civilizations. | N/A |
Architectural Zoology | Excerpts from Training Seminars for Lesser Known Foundation Careers | Studies living buildings. | Subdivision of Department of Zoology |
Archetypicals Division | SCP-6747 | Studies the pataphysical subfield of archetypicality. Founded by Dr. Place H. MD., PhD. | Subdivision of Pataphysics. |
Artificial Intelligence Applications Division (AIAD) | Pages tagged AIAD | Develops, studies, and uses Artificial Intelligence for research and tactical operations. | Subdivision of Department of Informational Technology |
Department of Artistic Anomalies | SCP-3688 | Studies anomalies related to music, dance, or visual art. | N/A |
Department of Astrophysics | SCP-5612 | Studies physics relating to astronomical bodies. | Subdivision of Astronomy. |
Avian Division | Team Bird Series | Fulfills the Foundation's goals from an alternative perspective. Employed and organized solely by SCP-3095-1 instances who work for the Foundation. | N/A |
Department of Chemistry | SCP-118 | Studies chemical anomalies. | See Metallurgical Studies |
Chronometrics Division.Not to be confused with the Department of Temporal Anomalies or the Temporal Anomalies Department. | SCP-6836, SCP-7173, SCP-8008, Waiting To Happen | Transtemporal department of unclear nature. Only known member is Dr. Danica Azzopardi of Site-232. | N/A |
Department of Cognitohazards | WJS' Proposal | Reviews memetic hazards for cognitohazardous effects. | See Antimemetics Division & Memetics Division. |
Compendium Phenomic Inquiry | SCP-6001 | A department within the Compendium consisting of a task force of scientific experts who investigate scientific curiosities. | N/A |
Computus Desk | SCP-1844 | Performs computations associated with theological anomalies. | N/A |
Concepts Division | SCP-4556 | Studies conceptual anomalies, or anomalies relating to concepts. | See Counterconceptual Division and HPCD. |
Department of Conlanging | SCP-5431 | Develops new words or phrases to describe anomalous phenomena | N/A |
Department of Containment | SCP-057-INT, SCP-7034, SCP-7291 | Manages all containment projects and operations. | See Containment Committee |
Counterconceptual Division | SCP-2358 | Studies anomalies that resist conception. Seemingly unaware of the Antimemetics Division. | Subdivision of Concepts. |
Department of Cremation Services | SCP-6355 | Cremates carcasses of deceased Foundation personnel and anomalous entities. | N/A |
Cryptozoology Division | SCP-6448 | The Cryptozoology Division is responsible for the study, capture and containment of uncontained parafauna that have already become prevalent in local folklore. | Subdivision of Department of Parazoology and Department of Mythology and Folkloristics |
Department of Cryptozoology | SCP-3773 | Studies anomalous animal species. | Subdivision of Parazoology |
Department of Culinary Anomalies | SCP-3689 | Manages anomalous food understanding. | N/A |
Cult Division | SCP-4515 | Studies anomalous cults. | N/A |
Department of Deletions | SCP-6183, SCP-6768, SCP-7549, SCP-7912, SCP-7959 | Deals with issues regarding Wikidot. | N/A |
Department of Demonics ββ Demonology Division |
SCP-6566, SCP-7129 | Researches and contains demonic/tartarean entities and anomalies. | Subdivision of Tactical Theology. |
Department of Dissolution | SCP-8876 | Demolishes buildings involved with anomalous phenomena. | N/A |
Department of Ectodimensional Anomalies | SCP-588-JP, SCP-3676, SCP-3856 | Studies anomalies orginating from other dimensions. | N/A |
Department of Egregorian Studies | The Children of the Scarlet King Hub | Researches egregores; entities that derive sustenance from collective belief and worship. | N/A |
Department of Entomology | "Sorry to bug you, Director..." | Studies insectoid anomalies. |N/A | |
Department of Epidemiology | SCP-5350 | Studies the spread and possible control of anomalous diseases | N/A |
Engineering Division | SCP-4383 | Develops Foundation technology and structures | N/A |
Department of Essophysics | SCP-4260, SCP-6820 | A small department that studies essophysical entities and manifestation events. "Essophysical" denotes physical embodiments of concepts. Headed by Dr. Harlow Genevieve. | Subdivision of Metaphysics. |
Department of Esoteric Physics | SCP-5080 | Studies anomalies that operate under anomalous rules of physics. | N/A |
Department of Ethnography | Genius Loci | Studies the anomalous customs of different people and cultures. | N/A |
Experimental Containment Research Group (ECRG) | SCP-1718, SCP-2409 | Develop new containment techniques, often later declared anomalous. | N/A |
Department of Extra/Multi-Universal Affairs (Multi-U) ββ Department of Extradimensional Matters/Studies ββ Department of Dimensional Studies |
multi-u-101, SCP-4366, SCP-6996, SCP-8596 | Studies cross-dimensional travel and affairs. | See Purgatorial Spaces |
Department of Extrasolar Activities | SCP-3417 | Monitors and researches anomalies beyond the solar system. | Subdivision of Astronomy. |
Department of Extratemporal Studies | Automated Passive Amnestization System Ver. 17.09, k1s10r0d's Proposal | Studies events from other timelines and dimensions. | N/A |
Department of Film and Media | SCP-3317 Audio | Studies and contains anomalies related to auditory and visual media. | N/A |
The Final Department | The Final Department Orientation: Final Exam, SCP-6430 | Tasked with neutralizing time-loops, self-replicating zones and other infinite phenomena. | N/A |
Deparment of Financial Esoterica | Mountainous Essophysics, SCP-7997, SCP-6987, SCP-1337-EX | Studies anomalous phenomena/groups involved within economies and financial systems. Directed by Dr. Ezekiel Yang at Area-150. | N/A |
Department of Gaming | SCP-6722 | Studies anomalous games (such as sports, board games, video games, etc.), and monitors the anomalous game industry. | See Minecraft Division |
General Non-Anomalous Testing and Containment (GNATC) | Spring Cleaning | Nicknamed "Granny's Attic," stores and processes objects that are determined to be non-anomalous. | "Processing Bureau" (also called "Penalty Box") - considered a punishment detail for researchers who have annoyed management. |
Department of Geology ββ Department of Geological and Oceanic Abnormalities |
SCP-359, SCP-4336, SCP-6204 | Studies geological anomalies | N/A |
Department of Glaciology | SCP-6339 | Studies Ice-Related anomalies | See Mintology Supervising Department |
GoI Research Department ββ GoI Research Group |
SCP-1908, SCP-6157, SCP-6382, SCP-7173 | Studies, and communicates with, Groups of Interest. Lead by Dr. Everwood and headquartered in Site-55. | See Inter-Organizational Diplomacy. |
Highly Pathological Concepts Division (HPCD) | SCP-7510, The Set Of All Numbers Which Might Be Bears | Studies pathological concepts. | Subdivision of Concepts. |
Department of History | SCP-5207, SCP-5997, Secure Facility Dossier: Site-12. | Studies historical information in regards to the anomalous | See Chronology, Public History and Xenohistory |
Human Capital Exchange Division | SCP-4600 | Tasked with the containment of SCP-4600 through the use of social and economic engineering. | N/A |
Department of Humanoid Anomaly Reversion (DHAR) | SCP-8064 | Deals with the reversion, rehabilitation, and possible reintegration of humanoid anomalies. Founded and led by Dir. K. Mitchell and Dr. A. Avenlee. | N/A |
Department of Humanoid Risk Assessment | humanoid-risk-assessment | Decided measures of containment for humanoid anomalies, or if containment is required at all. | N/A |
Department of Informational Technologies | SCP-5452 | Studies anomalies relating to computer technology. | See AIAD & Division of Anomalous Programming. |
The Integumentary Department | SCP-6972 | Studies anomalies that relate to the skin, human or otherwise. | N/A |
Department of Kinetography | SCP-3688 | Studies kinetoglyphs: Physical and mental anomalous effects that occur when an entity performs specific motions and gestures. | N/A |
Department of Exo-Linguistics | SCP-287 | Deciphers, studies, and translates extraterrestrial languages. | Subdivision of Astronomy. |
Department of Terra-Linguistics | SCP-287, SCP-3609 | Deciphers, studies, and translates terrestrial languages. | N/A |
Department of Lactic Anomalies | Milk Hub | Studies anomalous phenomena related to milk and milk-adjacent concepts. | Heading Project GALAXIAS. |
Department of Literature | SCP-4410 | Studies anomalous literature or literature relating to the anomalous. | N/A |
Department of Marketing | SCP-4317 | Studies anomalies to devise ways to get the most profit out of them as possible. Part of the SCP Corporation. | N/A |
Department of Mathematics | CAST | Studies mathematical anomalies. | N/A |
Medical Department | SCP-5606 | Provides medical support to Foundation operatives. | N/A |
Memetics Division | SCP-2111 | Studies anomalous memetics. | N/A |
Department of Metallurgical Studies | SCP-359 | Department dedicated to researching and cataloguing anomalous metals. | Subdivision of Chemistry |
Department of Metaphysics | SCP-4690, SCP-5012, SCP-5080 | Studies phenomena located beside or beyond physical space (e.g conceptual space, fictional spaces, alternate existential planes, etc.) | Research subdivisions include Concepts, Essophysics, Pataphysics, Somniumistics, Psionics and more. See Applied Metaphysics for a practical subdivison. |
Department of Microbiology | SCP-5400, SCP-8550 | Studies anomalous microorganisms | N/A |
Minecraft Division | SCP-6468 | Researches and contains anomalies based in the video-game Minecraft. | Subdivision of Gaming |
Department of Miscommunications (DoMc) | Pages tagged Miscommunications | Researches and contains anomalies that violate or negate conventional linguistics. | N/A |
Department of Mundane Artifacts and Uneventful Data Evaluation (MAUDE) | Secure Facility Dossier: Site-78 | Handles with miscellaneous anomalies that are too unremarkable for the rest of the Foundation. | N/A |
Department of Musicals | Department of Musicals Orientation | Searches for incoming anartist performances and takes public attention off from them by creating live musical plays, concerts and other shows at their date of performance. | N/A |
Department of Multidimensional Imbrication | SCP-4345 | Deals with the merging and overlapping of different realities | N/A |
Department of Mythology and Folkloristics | Pages tagged Folklore Department | Studies the role the anomalous has played in the development of global religion and mythology. | N/A |
Department of Nautical Anomalies | SCP-5862 | Studies anomalous nautical vessels. | N/A |
Department of Nexology ββ Department of Nexological Studies |
Nx-143, The Easter Funny | Researches and communicates with Nexuses; anomalous locations that are contained through diplomatic means. | N/A |
Office of the Nganga | SCP-1036 | Manages Foundation staff members who are shamans, witch doctors or practitioners of traditional African magic | N/A |
Department of Occult Containment | SCP-4290 | Devises containment procedures involving thaumaturgy and/or ritualistic practices. | N/A |
Department of Oneirology Studies ββ Department of Somniumistics |
SCP-6377, SCP-6916 | Studies anomalous phenomena involved with sleep and dreams. | Subdivision of Metaphysics. |
Department of Ontokinetics | SCP-5292, SCP-5572, SCP-5795 | Studies anomalies capable of altering reality, with Site-120 being its main hub of operations. | See Theology Division, Thaumaturgy Division, & Spatial Disruptions Division. |
Department of Other | Pages tagged Department of Other | Contains and studies anomalies that do not fall under the jurisdiction of other departments or that other departments refuse to handle. | N/A |
Department of Paracryptology | SCP-4573 | Studies anomalous code, usually in an attempt to decode it. | N/A |
Parabiological Sciences Department | SCP-7682 | Site-78 (Chugwater)'s department dedicated to managing the numerous parafauna of Platte County, Wyoming. | N/A |
Department of Parazoology | SCP-2584 | Studies anomalous animal species. | See Apiary, Entomology, Architectural Zoology and Cryptozoology. |
Department of Pataphysics | Pages tagged Pataphysics Department | Studies anomalies relating to the narrative and/or the overlap between Pataspheres and Noospheres. Headquartered in Site-87. | Subdivision of Metaphysics. See Archetypicals Division. |
Department of Pastaphysics | Orientation for the Pastaphysics Department | Prepares meals for anomalies and staff members based on their preferences and role in The Foundation. | N/A |
Department of Presumptive Divination | Occult Orientation: Dept. of Presumptive Divination, SCP-6297, SCP-1392 | Conducts divination rituals to detect future threats and incidents. Headquartered in Site-184. | N/A |
Department of Procurement and Liquidation | Pages tagged Procurement & Liquidation Department | Searches for marketed anomalies and buys them or the company selling it for containment. Headquartered in Site-106. | Subdivisions are Acquisitions & Appropriations, Sourcing & Containment, Negotiations & Legality and Distribution & Liquidation |
Psionics Division | SCP-2664, SCP-5090, SCP-5508 | Studies psionics (i.e telekinesis, telepathy, etc.) | Subdivision of Metaphysics. |
Department of Public History | SCP-4078 | Alters public records of historical events. | N/A |
Department of Purgatorial Spaces | You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, SCP-6963 | Identifies, researches and develops Purgatorial Spaces: Post-mortem or metaphysical realities of unknown nature and unclear purpose. | Subdivision of Extradimensional Matters |
Department of Robotics and Cybernetics | SCP-5595 | Develops robotic structures for containment purposes. | Subdivision of the Engineering Division. |
Department of Sciences ββ Scientific Department |
SCP-1392, Internal Departments | Manages all research departments and their projects. | N/A |
Department of Solar System Oversight | Directive A-42 | Monitors and researches anomalies within the solar system. | N/A |
Department of Semiotics | SCP-7079 | Contains and researches anomalies relating to or in the Semiosphere. Helps Department of Deletions members adjust to awakening or talking to individuals that only have one mind per body. | N/A |
Special Technology Applications Group (STAG) | Secure Facility Dossier: Protected Site-7. | Granted broad autonomy and a high budget to develop new technologies. Highly secret. | Subdivision of RAISA |
Department of Spectral Phenomena —— Department of the Departed |
SCP-4435, SCP-4973, SCP-6766, RAISA-007710 (RECOVERED DOCUMENT), SCP-6368, SCP-7769 | Studies apparitions, ghosts, and other spectral anomalies. | See Spectral Affairs |
Department of Surrealistics | Pages tagged Surrealistics Department | Responsible for the identification and containment of incoherent anomalies, requiring non-traditional logic to observe and effectively comprehend. | See Vibe Check Committee |
Department of Tactical Mathematics | SCP-5650 | A department specializing in the study of anomalous mathematics for Foundation utilization. | N/A |
Department of Tactical Theology | Pages tagged Tactical Theology | A department responsible for assisting in the capture, containment, and potential neutralization of theological anomalies. Headquartered in Reliquary Area-27 | Subdivisions include Abrahamic Division, East-Asian Division, Vedic-Indus Division, Shamanistic & Animalism Division, Neopaganism Division, Parareligions Division and Demonology Divsion. |
Temporal Anomalies Department (TAD).Not to be confused with the Department of Temporal Anomalies. | SCP-1780 | The Foundation has no record of such a department existing. Headed by Dr. Thaddeus Xyank. | N/A |
Department of Temporal Anomalies (DTA).Not to be confused with the Temporal Anomalies Department. | SCP-5618, Pass It On, The Mourning After, Drilling Down | Official department specializing in temporal affairs. Headed by Dr. Alice Forth. | N/A |
Department of Temporal Research | SCP-8059 | Devoted to studying time-based anomalies. Based out of Site-223 in North Texas and led by Dr. Richard Mortis. | Split into 3 distinct divisions: Temporal Research, Forecasting, and Temporal Enforcement |
Department of Tesseractic Geometry | SCP-2634 | Focuses on determining a method of further interaction with higher-dimensional entities. | N/A |
Department of Thaumatology ββ Department of Thaumaturgy |
SCP-1548, SCP-2820, SCP-3688 | Studies the anomalous science of thaumaturgy (colloquially, magic). | Subdivision of Ontokinetics. |
Department of Thaumaturgical Zoology | SCP-5217 | A department that specializes in the study and containment of anomalous animal species that utilize or emit thaumaturgic matter or energies (i.e magic). | Subdivision of Parazoology |
Department of Theology ββ Department of Theology and Teleology |
tactical-theology-hub, SCP-6019 | Researches religious phenomena throughout history. Distinct from Tactical Theology, which uses its research for containment efforts. | Subdivision of Ontokinetics. |
Department of Thermodynamics | SCP-8091 | Studies thermodynamic anomalies. | N/A |
Department of Trans-Dimensional Development and Discovery | SCP-6001 | A department within the Compendium that oversees the discovery and relationships with other realities. Headed by Dr. Primrose | N/A |
Department of Unreality | Pages tagged Unreality Department | A department which [Relevant Information concerning the Department]. .There also exists another Department of Unreality in SCP-3302, which studies unreality instead of [Information regarding Department duties]. | N/A |
Department of Web Anomaly Containment (DoWAC) | SCP-6590 | Specializing in the containment of internet anomalies, DoWAC operates almost all of the Foundation's web-sweepers. Headed by Niel Connors. | Formerly the Web Anomalies Containment Team (WACT) |
Department of Xenobiology | SCP-6820, SCP-6747 | Studies the biology of anomalous entities. | N/A |
Department of Xenohistory | SCP-5099 | Studies the history of extraterrestrial civilizations | Joint subdivision of History and Astronomy. |
Vibe Check Committee | SCP-7923 | A 5-person committee created to manage SCP-7923. The result of a mind-affecting anomaly. | Subdivision of Surrealistics Department |
Department Name | Appearances | Description | Subdivisions (If Applicable) |
Department of Advanced Diplomacy | SCP-6678 | Negotiates between the Foundation and non-Foundation groups to benefit the foundation, usually through the use of blackmail | Subdivision of External Affairs and Intelligence Agency |
Department of Anomalous Communications and Relations | SCP-6170, SCP-6015, Secure Facility Dossier: Site-55 | A Department created to communicate to anomalies, GOIs and POIs. They are used in interviews, to recover vital information. They travel from site to site, or where they are needed. Its director is Dr. Cole Thereven. | See Inter-Organizational Diplomacy. |
Department of Appliance Response | THE APPLIANCE WAR Hub, SCP-7639 | Devises containment or decommisioning methods for the increasing influx of hostile, animate household appliances. Headquartered in Site-37. | N/A |
Department of Applied Force | SCP-4661 | Foundation's military arm, overseeing joint tasks force operations. | See Applied Influence, Applied Metaphysics, Applied Thaumatology and Task Forces. |
Department of Applied Influence | djkaktus's Proposal III | Directly influences non-Foundation groups to achieve Foundation goals. | Subdivision of External Affairs and Intelligence Agency and Applied Force. |
Department of Applied Metaphysics | SCP-6699, SCP-6609, SCP-6659, SCP-6689 | Utilizes metaphysical phenomenon to achieve the Foundation's goals. | Subdivison of Applied Force and Metaphysics. |
Department of Applied Thaumatology | Excerpts from Site-300-14's Applied Thaumatology Orientation | Researches and develops military procedures that utilize thaumaturgy. Headquartered in Site-300. | Subdivision of Applied Force and Thaumatology. Divisions include Applied Paratechnology, Militaristic Thaumaturgy and Applied Strategy. |
Department of Anomalous Weapons Development | SCP-359, War Machine | Develops means of weaponizing anomalies for use in Foundation operations. | N/A |
Elections Monitoring Commission | SCP-5054-EX | Surveils elections for signs of anomalous manipulation. | N/A |
Emergent Threat Tactical Response Authority (ETTRA) | Pages tagged ETTRA | Specializes in identifying threats and responding to them before or right as they become an issue. Headquartered in Area-09 | N/A |
Department of External Affairs.May be combined with the Intelligence Agency as a joint department, as seen in SCP-7200. | list-of-foundation-s-internal-departments, SCP-1659, SCP-8799 | Involved in diplomatic relations with non-Foundation groups. | See Advanced Diplomacy, Applied Influence, Public Outreach and Spectral Affairs. |
Fire Suppression Department | Pages tagged Fire Suppression Department | The department tasked with preventing foundation employees from quitting their jobs by any means necessary. | N/A |
Fire-Rescue Department | Fire Suppression Department Hub | Handles fire accidents, both mundane and anomalous, within Foundation facilities..Not to be confused with the Fire Suppresion Department. | N/A |
Global Geopolitics and Counterinsurgency Department | SCP-6038, Soldier Of Misfortune | Department in charge of handling anomalous matters that can affect international political stability, such as militant and armed rebel groups with anomalous capabilities. | N/A |
Intelligence Agency.May be combined with External Affairs as a joint department, as seen in SCP-7200. | list-of-foundation-s-internal-departments, SCP-2314, SCP-7324 | Conducts espionage on non-Foundation groups. Responsible for all undercover Foundation agents. | N/A |
Department of Internal Affairs | SCP-2007, SCP-7771, SCP-7279 | Department responsible for archiving general incidents and similar events that do not fall into the purview of a single department. | N/A |
Department of Inter-Organizational Diplomacy | Secure Facility Dossier: Site-55 | Joint department lead by GoI experts Dr. Thereven and Dr. Everwood, handling diplomatic relations with sub-Veil groups. Headquartered in Site-55. | Joint department with the GoI Research Group and Anomalous Communications and Relations. |
Department of Logistics and Asset Management | SCP-5646 | Hybridized internal department that focuses on the investigation, reconnaissance and adherence to protocol of both personnel and anomalies within Foundation sites. | N/A |
Department of Personnel Integrity | Integrity | A department specializing in investigating personnel irregularities and ensuring they haven't been compromised/are who they say they are. | N/A |
Security Department | Secure Facility Dossier: Area-14 | Responsible for ensuring the security of Foundation facilities and the safety of personnel. | N/A |
Special Duty Office | SCP-1844, SCP-4436 | Recruits and manages individuals who qualify, by means of apostolic succession or the equivalent, and by maintaining a high akiva rating, for certain containment tasks of a theological nature. | Subdivision of the Department of Tactical Theology |
Department of Spectral Affairs | Welcome to Spectral Affairs | Negotiates with afterlives and relocate spectral entities to locations away from civilisation. | Subdivision of External Affairs and Intelligence Agency, Departed Department and Department of Purgatorial Spaces |
Department of Task Forces | Task Forces | A department overseeing the formation, operations, and deactivation of Foundation Task Forces. | Subdivision of Applied Force. |
Telecommunications Monitoring Office | Pages tagged Telecommunications Office | Monitors calls to emergency services for mentions of anomalies. Headquartered in Site-14. | N/A |
War-Time Production Division | War Machine | A division during the 7th Occult war that developed paraweapons for Foundation use. A precursor to the Department of Anomalous Weapons Development. | N/A |
Department Name | Appearances | Description | Subdivisions (If Applicable) |
Anomalous Individuals Monitoring Bureau (FR) | Anomalous Individuals Monitoring Bureau Hub | Contacts with anomalous entities embedded in public spaces, assist them in containing/hiding their anomalous properties, and surveils their activities in non-Veil society. | Subdivisions include the Location, Recovery, Study, Insertion and Retention Units. Works with the Reintegration Committee. |
CL5 / The Lusophone Directorial Board (PT) | General Organizational Chart of the Lusophone Foundation | A regional administrative force for the Lusophone Branch of the Foundation. | N/A |
Department of Deduction (CN) | Dr Voctor's Elementary Lecture on Narrative Iteration | Chinese Branch of Department of 'Pataphysics | N/A |
Internal Security (RU) | Internal Departments | A secret police force responsible for filtering traitors as well as operational and information security risks among the Foundation's ranks. | N/A |
Internal Tribunal Department (RU) | Internal Departments, They!, SCP-6500 | An internal judiciary department, hearing cases by personnel accused of breaking Foundation protocol. | N/A |
Italian Branch Superintendence (IT) | IT Branch Internal Organization | A regional administrative force for the Italian Branch of the Foundation. | N/A |
Board of Japanese Area Directors (JP) | Orientation Manual for Japanese Branch and Board of Japanese Area Directors (Untranslated), Japanese Area Directors Dossier (Untranslated) | A regional administrative force for the Japanese Branch of the Foundation. Basically consists of 7 members. | N/A |
Department of Eschatology (PL) | SCP-PL-275 | A department dedicated to the project of creating a new reality, modifying the current one, creating or acquiring a facility that allows to live in an environment better suited for battling and learning about anomalous objects. | N/A |
Department of Logic (CN) | SCP-CN-1614, SCP-CN-1615 | Studies and contains anomalies which break conventional logic | N/A |
Department of Applied Necromancy (DE) | SCP-221-DE (Untranslated) | Specialised in necromancy and resurrection, to ask the dead for advice. At the same time also responsible for combating the misuse of these powers for military or economic purposes. | N/A |
Department of Manufacturing (RU) | Internal Departments | Responsible for fulfilling any material requests that can arise during the capture of anomalies, containment, or any other Foundation process. | N/A |
Department of Mycology (PL) | SCP-PL-275 | Department dedicated to the study, documentation, collection, and containment of fungal anomalies. | N/A |
Division of Memetic Engineering (ZH) | SCP-ZH-440, SCP-ZH-072 | Production and research of memetic hazards. Also involved in the training of personnel against memetics hazards. | N/A |
O4 Council / Board of Directors of the German-speaking SCP Foundation (DE) | The German SCP Foundation, SCP-028-DE, SCP-150-DE | A regional administrative force for the German-speaking Branch of the Foundation. Members are named like the O5 from -1 to -13, rarely are there only 12 or even up to 15. | N/A |
O5-CN Council (CN) | Scarlet's Proposal | A regional administrative force for the Chinese Branch of the Foundation. Directed by O5-9. Members are named after Chinese Zodiac Signs and additional "Cat" | N/A |
Safe Class Research Department (ZH) | SCP-ZH-973 | A department responsible for the research of class "Safe" item in Site-ZH-94. | N/A |
Three Enclosures Command/Council (ZH) | SCP-ZH-002 | A regional administrative force of ZH Branch of Foundation. Named after the Ancient Chinese constellation system. | N/A |
Administration of the Polish Branch (PL) | SCP-PL-200 | A regional administrative force for the Polish Branch of the Foundation. | N/A |
Czech Council of Regional Directors (ΔROD) (CS) | SCP Foundation in the Czech Republic - Information about the Czech Branch of the SCP Foundation (Untranslated) | A regional administrative force for the Czech Branch of the Foundation. | N/A |
Maintenance Department (ID) | Maintenance Department Orientation (Untranslated), No Day Without Any Problem in the Foundation (Untranslated) | A department in charge of handling technical and structural aspects of Foundation facilities, such as construction designs for Foundation offices and anomaly containment units, repair and maintenance of Foundation equipment, and et cetera. | Subdivision of Engineering and Technical Service Department |
Dialogue Department (JP) | Pages tagged Dialogue Department (JPWiki) | Keeps and assures mental normalcy by mental care of Foundation personnel. | N/A |
Formality Department (JP) | Pages tagged Formality Department (JPWiki) | Researches conditions exhibiting anomalous effects. | N/A |
Foundation Radio Bureau (JP) | Pages tagged Foundation Radio Bureau (JPWiki) | Managements internal lines or communication among Foundation sites. FRB broadcasts various informations including entertainment program and announcement about a containment breach. | Subdivision of the Department of External Affairs and Intelligence Agency |
Department of Testimony (CN) | SCP-CN-313 (Untranslated), SCP-CN-2989, SCP-CN-2102 (Untranslated) | Demonstrate that the present world they dwell is true beingness, not some kind of existence of phantasmagoria. | N/A |
Department of Compensation and Intercourse (CN) | SCP-CN-2651 (Untranslated), SCP-CN-2788 (Untranslated), SCP-CN-2959 (Untranslated) | Affiliated to Site-CN-11. Utilizes low-risk anomalies to comfort personnel, trades in beneficial anomalies with other sites and GoIs, and pleases intelligent anomalies to reduce the cost of containment. The name of this department in Chinese is a pun on the Japanese term "Enjo-kΕsai". | N/A |
Department of Spatial Anomalies (CN) | SCP-CN-1907 (Untranslated), SCP-CN-2662 (Untranslated), SCP-CN-2746 (Untranslated) | Affiliated to Site-CN-11-Ξ³. Explores and researches anomalous space. | N/A |
Department of Normalcy (CN) | SCP-CN-2045 (Untranslated), SCP-CN-2046 (Untranslated) | Removes anomalous properties from objects, returning them to a "normal" state. Treated similarly to the Department of Abnormalities. | N/A |
Ornithology Department (DE) | SCP-015-DE-J | Studies anomalous avian. Unclear, but probably no connection to Team Bird. But apparently they can understand the language of birds. | Subdivision of Parazoology |
Department of Urban Legend Anomaly Countermeasure (ZH) | SCP-ZH-968 | Control the spread of urban legend in order to prevent the urban-legend-born or urban-legend-related anomalies from being overly powerful or neutralized. | N/A |
Spatio-Temporal Department (TL) | SCP-547-TL | For the controlled research of Space-Time Anomalies | N/A |
Veterans Affairs Department (KO) | SCP-1000-KO | Offers welfare to the Foundation personnel who are retired, passed away, or served long time. | N/A |
This page wouldn't have been possible without the help of others before me, especially Lt Flops! A lot of the departments here were catalogued by her, so, honestly, this page wouldn't be possible without her! Thank you as well to Dr Moned, who helped with CSS and on scavenging the site for more departments.
These were the following pages I pulled from, alongside those who contributed to them:
List of Foundation Departments (SCP Sandbox III)
- Lt Flops
- Nagiros
- NatVoltaic
- MaliceAforethought
- Connor MacWarren
- Henzoid
- C8H17OH
- eggcetera
- Mzgs (account deleted)
- Scientist Filipp
And that's everyone! Well, almost everyone.
- Tactical Theology
- Counterconceptuals
- Human Resources
- Department of Design
- Iconography Division
- Surrealistics Department
- Department of Ontokinetics
- Theology Division
- Thaumaturgy Division
- Spatial Disruptions Division
- Explanation and Research Department
Okay, now that's everyone who helped with the first version of this page. A big thank you to all of them!
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"Foundation Departments" by Dr Moned, Lt Flops, & TopDownUnder, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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