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Article: YuanJi Hub
Author: SamScript
Original: 遠己中心頁(YuanJi Hub)
Translator: KikunaiImage Information:
YuanJi Logo by SamScript
The Taiwan Map Background is from here (T.N.: Dead link, Replacement link), created by Wikipedia User:NordNordWest, edited by SamScript, and follow the CC BY-SA 3.0 License.
Maps (Original: Hospital / Education facilities) translated by Kikunai, and released under CC BY-SA 3.0
Foundation Report: GOI-ZH-036
- GoI Overview
- Location of Medical Operation
- Location of Academic Operation
- Other Services
- Notable Personnel
- Writing Guide
- File Overview
YuanJi Incorperated (遠己集團), otherwise known as YuanJi Biomedical Inc., YuanJi Enterprise or YJ Inc., is an international business organisation. Its main fields of business are medical services, higher education, biomedical development and public transports. The corporation has large medical institutions in multiple counties and cities in Taiwan, and has also estabilished an institution for higher education (YuanJi University) and a couple of museums. It has huge influences in Taiwan's social network and there have been plans to expand its business to Hong Kong and Shanghai, China.
At first, the Foundation did not list YuanJi Inc. as a Group of Interest. But, from 2019, there have been instances of utilising anomalous biotechnology resembling Sarkic mechanisms appearing in its database and clinical practices; anomalies produced (both actively or passively) have been found in its campus in its campus, instructional materials and research subjects, and thus they quickly drew the attention.
Current intelligence shows there are several characteristics to YuanJi Inc.'s activities:
- Mainly active in non-anomalous business: Apart from the anomalous activities interfered by the Foundation, the majority of YuanJi Inc.'s business are still within normalcy.
- Lack of understanding of the anomalous: Current investigations have shown approximately 98.5% of YuanJi Inc.'s members have a similar understanding to other civilians', and the knowledge of anomalous communities is limited to corporate executives, whom have shown unilateral and shallow understanding of said communities.
- Sarkic activities within the higher-ups: The executives of YuanJi Inc. have shown high interests in anomalous biotechnology, and have formed a connection with certain Sarkic societies. However, YuanJi Inc. did not see Sarkic mechanisms as "out of the ordinary" but a "new resource available for in-depth development".
In the risk assessment conference held in 2020, YuanJi Inc. has been assessed to be a low-risk threat to the Foundation, and a medium-to-high risk of veil-breaking. The Foundation is presently conducting an overall investigation within the corporation to prevent any potential anomalous hazards, or the emergence and activation of veil-disrupting factors.
As of 2021, YuanJi Inc. has opened multiple large medical infrastructures in Taiwan, including:
Xinzhuang Main Hospital: A well-known large medical centre in North Taiwan, has the highest number of inpatients and outpatients in the industry. Includes a shuttle to Shulin Campus. The Main Hospital is also the affiliated hospital of YuanJi University School of Medicine, which provides clinical practice courses to its student.
Taipei Songshan Branch
Taoyuan Nankan Branch
Hsinchu Zhubei Branch
Miaoli Gongguan Branch: Abandoned in 2009. There may be anomalous activities within the area, which is to be clarified by regional agents.
Changhua Lugang Branch
Nantou Jiji Branch: Established in 2004 in response to the September 21 Earthquake to provide nearby medical services in Nantou.
Chiayi Branch
Tainan Jiali Branch: Includes a shuttle route to Shanhua Campus of Yuanji University, which takes about 20 minutes.
Kaohsiung Gangshan Branch
Hualien Ji'an Branch: Includes a traveling medical shuttle bus. Responsible for medical services in Hualien County.
Taitung Branch: Includes a traveling medical shuttle bus and complimentary helicopters to Green Island Township and Orchid Island.
Aside from the aforementioned hospitals, YuanJi Inc. has also established smaller-scale YuanJi Clinics which provide a medical network to satellite towns and rural areas. The numbers of clinics are multitudinous, and are regularly inspected by regional Foundation agents. These clinics will not be listed in this file.
Furthermore, YuanJi Inc. is constructing high-end international medical facilities in Kowloon, Hong Kong and Shanghai Pudong, China. These constructions are yet to be completed, and most of their information are still classified.
YuanJi University (YJU) currently (May 2021) has 4,772 undergraduates, 956 faculty members, and 275 graduate students. It has seven colleges and four research institutes. There are few anomalous activities within the academia and therefore require fewer attention. However, in YJU postgraduate school, there have been instances of parascience and anomalous yields of research application or usage of risky assets that the Foundation pays close attention to. It is advised to keep intense level of vigilance towards these research institutes.
School of Medicine: Located in Shulin Campus, New Taipei
School of Biological Sciences: Located in Shulin Campus, New Taipei
School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Located in both campuses
School of Humanities: Located in both campuses
School of Mass Communication: Located in both campuses
School of Business: Located in Shanhua Campus, Tainan
School of Social Science: Located in Shanhua Campus, Tainan
Institute of Prospective Genetics and Novel Biotechnology (Institute of Biotech): It is suspected the institute is involved in research regarding Sarkic mechanisms; intense attention is required.
Institute of Taiwan Literature and History (Institute of Literature and History): The institute has shown high interests in several local anomalies; intense attention is required.
Institute of Folkloristics: The institute is interested in fields related to folk customs of Taiwan Han people, regional folk customs in China, indigenous culture and thaumatology, and pataphysics; intense attention is required.
Institute of Contemporary Communication Media and Narratives (Institute of Media): The insititute has research plans on memetic anomalies, pataphysics and anart; high level of attention is needed.
Department of Defence & YuanJi Cooperative Research Institute: The Foundation has confirmed the existence of this institute, but not in the location marked in the image. Information regarding the location is currently Level 4 Classified; more intelligence resources need to be invested in monitoring the research content taking place within the institute.
Farthest Fairway Corporation
Farthest Fairway Corporation (FFC) is a shuttle bus-based public transport system built by YuanJi Inc.The transport system is mostly free of anomalies, yet there have been rumours about supernatural events occurring in low-bearing times (e.g.: overnight or dawn shifts)within the bus. Regional agents have been conducting intelligence tracking on said bus routes and shifts.
Taipei-New Taipei Direct line: Traveling between Xinzhuang Main Hospital and Songshan Branch via Xingtian Temple MRT Station. Bus no.: YJ00
Xinzhuang-Nankan line: Traveling between Xinzhuang Main Hospital and Taoyuan Nankan Branch via Linkou Airport MRT Station. Bus no.: YJ01
West line: Traveling between Xinzhuang Main Hospital and Kaohsiung Gangshan Branch via Zhubei Branch, Lugang Branch, Chiayi Branch and Jiali Branch. Bus no.: YJ10
Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli line: Traveling between Nankan Branch and Zhubei Branch. Used to reach to Miaoli Branch, but that section of the route is now abandoned. Bus no.: YJ02
Lugang-Jiji line: Traveling between Lugang Branch and Jiji Branch. Bus no.: YJ09
Lugang-Chiayi line: Traveling between Lugang Branch and Chiayi Branch. Bus no.: YJ03
Chiayi-Jiali: Traveling between Chiayi Branch and Jiali Branch. Bus no.: YJ05
Jiali-Gangshan line: Traveling between Jiali Branch and Gangshan Branch. Bus no.: YJ04
North Circle line: Traveling from Taipei Songshan Branch to Hualien Ji'an Branch. The average duration is approximately 2h 20min. Bus no.: YJ06
South Circle line: Traveling from Kaohsiung Gangshan Branch to Taitung Branch. The average duration is approximately 3h 10min and is the second longest route next to West line. Bus no.: YJ12
Hualien Circle line: Parting from Hualien Ji'an Branch and circles anticlockwise via Provincial Highway 9, County Highway 193, Provincial Highway 30 and Provincial Highway 11. Operates daily. Bus no.: YJ07
Taitung Circle line: Parting from Taitung Branch and circles clockwise via Provincial Highway 9, Provincial Highway 23 and Provincial Highway 11. Operates daily. Bus no.: YJ08
Hualien-Taitung Direct line: Traveling between Hualien Ji'an Branch and Taitung Branch. The average duration is approximately 2h. Bus no.: YJ00
Xinzhuang-Shulin Shuttle: Traveling between Xinzhuang Main Hospital and Shulin Campus.
Jiali-Shanhua Shuttle: Traveling between Jiali Branch and Shanhua Campus.
YuanJi Private Museum
Located in New Taipei Shulin District, and adjacent to YJU Shulin Campus, YuanJi Private Museum displaces a variety of collections from the founder Yen Hung-Guang. Presently, there are no news regarding any exhibition that contains anomalous collection or effects. Nonetheless, if the connection between the inner working of the corporation and anomalous activities has been confirmed, this organisation will be included in the strict monitoring list in order to prevent a Keneq to Ekhi Veil disruption incident caused by its anomalous collection.
Animal Section
Fossil Section
Weaponry Section
Botanical garden
Instrument Collection Section
Sculpture Section
Hung-Yuan Gallery
Guang-Ji Library
Director of YuanJi Inc. — Yen Hong-Guang (顏弘光)
Born in 1946. Established YuanJi Company in the name of his father Yen Yuan-Chih (顏遠志) and mother Tai Chi (戴己). In the early years of the corporation, he has invested in forestry and petrochemical industries.
He established YuanJi Incorporated in 1985; his management techniques are sharp and efficient, he operates on the principle of meritocracy, and has fair awards and punishments.
A background check revealed that he had sporadic transactions with the National Security Bureau's 8th Branch in his early years. There is no mention of the spread of anomalous information in these records.
Head of Xinzhuang Main Hospital — Lin-Zheng Nai-Wen (林鄭迺文)
The current Head of Xinzhuang Main Hospital, who is suspected to have connections with SCP-4036 (The Adytite Republic of Polynesia) and had arranged medical personnel of the hospital to go there for "in-depth studies". This incident is the primary evidence which the board of YuanJi having connections with Sarkic organisations, and the source of SCP-ZH-610's inducement material.
Intense surveillance of this individual is ongoing.
Director of Biomedical Research and Development Department — Ssu-Ma Hsiao (司馬孝)
Responsible for the R&D and production of YuanJi Biomedical Department; suspected to have close relationship with Dr. Lin Jeng Nai-Wen.
The Sarkic inducement material within SCP-ZH-610 has already been in production by the department.
Intense surveillance has been deployed.
President of YuanJi University — Fang Zheng-Jun (方政駿)
The current president of YuanJi University, whose office is located in Shulin campus. He served as the head of the Department of Physiology when Yuanji University was founded, and later became the president of the university.
Responded rapidly during SCP-ZH-593's incident, and used the university’s influence to suppress the dissemination of relevant information. This can be taken as a reference for Foundation operation to utilise his suppression of information; meanwhile his heightened awareness of campus happenings should be noted.
Rumor has it that he is a descendant of Fang Bao, a writer of the Qing Dynasty.
Director of the YuanJi University Institute of Biotech — Hsieh Rong-Fa (謝榮發)
He was once an academician of Academia Sinica, and expertises in cancer genetics, cell potential and telomere research.
He has conducted research that did not comply with the ethics committee regulations back then.
The Foundation should focus whether the institution's recent research on topics such as "the slowing down of human aging" and "cell repair acceleration" utilise Sarkic or other parabiotechnologies.
Director of the Supervision Department — Chi Hsin-Hui (紀歆惠)
The Supervision Department is the internal disciplinarian of YuanJi Incorporated. In an investigation related to SCP-ZH-610, the Foundation suspect her to have some degree of knowledge regardingthe development process of Sarkic-like technology. An advanced investigation into this individual has been scheduled.
Other Person of Interest affiliated with YuanJi
Tsui Hsiao-Yuan (崔孝原): The person in charge of YuanJi T4 Laboratory. He was a former employee in the Foundation's Site-ZH-44, which he transferred to the company for development after resigning in 2019. He may be providing anomalous technologies and knowledge to the corporation.
Tang Che-Lin (湯哲麟): Head of Xinzhuang Main Hospital Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery Department. Had been to The Adytite Republic of Polynesia and acquired knowledge about Sarkic biotechnologies, and had used SCP-ZH-610 directly for limb restoration surgeries.
Li Hsiao-Pai (李囂白): One of the co-founder of the corporation, who has gathered funds for Yan Hung-Guang to construct medical facilities. An investigation regarding a Thaumatogic anomalous object has hinted that this indivitual has ties with Manna Charitable Foundation.
Welcome to the YuanJi Inc Hub. The following will quickly walk through some aspects of writing for this GoI.
In the world of ZH Branch, "YuanJi Inc." is just another Formosa Plastics Corp / Chang Gung Medical Foundation; Formosa Plastics Corp is a famous gigantic corporation in Taiwan which has hospitals all over the island, an educational institution of its own, the ability to manufacture and researching biomedicine, and even a public transportation system. In this world, YuanJi and Chang Gung coexist and are in a feisty competition, so you can assume YuanJi has resources that the "Real Chang Gung" has (e.g.: public transportation and universities), or resources that "Real Chang Gung does not have" (e.g.: research centers in the mountains, a hospital in Huadong).
As writing the inner workings of a corperation in detail is not a simple feat, the following are some easy ways to write and utilise settings of YuanJi:
YuanJi University
School life is something everyone should have experienced, and strange stories within the academia is a good resonating topic. You can depict "odd events" that take place within this corporate school such as SCP-ZH-593. Of course, the Parawatch is a good format to bring your idea into play.
Difficulty: ★✩✩✩✩
Biomedical research
This corporation utilises anomalous technologies to try benefiting its consumers and making profits without knowing it is anomalous. Yet, its researchers strongly believe what they're making are simply "advanced technology". This GoI is suitable to be associated with SCP items that are "not so far-fetched from reality, but quite useful", but you will also have to convince your YuanJi researchers that "it is but cutting-edge technology".
Difficulty: ★★★✩✩
Hospital Kaidans
Services in YuanJi Hospitals are not all anomalous, but it wouldn't hurt if something out of the ordinary happens. Sometimes, the "special characteristics" of YuanJi Inc can easily attract anomalous patients that aren't related to itself at all (e.g.: SCP-ZH-010), and how will the Foundation and your typical doctors react to these supernatural clinical mess?
Difficulty: ★★★★✩
Farthest Fairway Corporation
YuanJi Inc.'s private mass transport system which is aimed to connect all YuanJi Hospitals. You can use this settings on anomalous topics pertaining to buses, highways and rural mountainous roads!
Difficulty: ★✩✩✩✩
Medical Education
As the medical executives have huge interests in Sarkic and anomalous biotechnologies, some "noval knowledge" may be spread to their medical students, whether with intention or not. These students may see some anomalous teaching materials during their academic lives, so let's twiddle these poor kids who are only one step away from the backrooms.
Difficulty: ★★★✩✩
Secret Research
One of the charateristics of YuanJi Inc. is their secret research on various "novel technologies", yet these reasearch are mostly conducted within their laboratories inaccessible by the public, or research institutes in the mountains. These hidden corners are exactly where the Foundation can investigate and intervene. What sparks of conflict between these laboratories and the specialized sites of the Foundation Traditional Chinese Branch will cause?
Difficulty: ★★✩✩✩
Other crossovers
This corporation has huge influence in the world of the Foundation. You are more than welcome to write their wacky social contributions, or their interference recorded on other GoI documents.
Finally, you can add YuanJi tag to any work mentioning Yuanji, so that the others can find your work!1
Notable Incidents
SCP-ZH-610 猛爆性繁衍組織瘤 by SamScript
SCP-ZH-620 瘟疫燃燒於生命之泉 by SamScript
Anomalies in hospitals
SCP-ZH-010 迷走神經寄生體 by SamScript
R&D Anomalies
SCP-ZH-194 義體菌群 by vomiter
SCP-ZH-628 猩猩的雙臂 by vomiter
Incidents within campus
SCP-ZH-593 坡頂 by SamScript
SCP-ZH-717 課堂中請勿伸出附肢 by SamScript
SCP-ZH-950 綠神經 by SamScript
Exhibition anomalies
SCP-ZH-782 牛角泰森 by SamScript
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"yuanji-hub" by SamScript, translation by Kikunai, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/yuanji-hub. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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Filename: File without title
Additional Notes: YuanJi logo
Author: SamScript
License: CC BY-3.0
Source Link: Imgur
Filename: gSCdwZL.png
Author: Kikunai
License: CC BY-3.0
Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
This image is a translated version of:
Filename: File without title
Additional Notes: Map in Location of Medical Operation
Author: SamScript
License: CC BY-3.0
Source Link: Imgur
Derivative Of: NordNordWest's Taiwan adm location map released on Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-3.0
Filename: avoC8Hy.png
Author: Kikunai
License: CC BY-3.0
Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki
This image is a translated version of:
Filename: File without title
Additional Notes: Map in Location of Academic Operation
Author: SamScript
License: CC BY-3.0
Source Link: Imgur
Derivative Of: NordNordWest's Taiwan adm location map released on Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-3.0